If you need to reset all program settings, close Photoshop, delete the Photoshop portable folder and apply the bat-file.bat-file with the code: reg delete "HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Spoon" / f exit deletes the trash entry HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Sofware \ Spoon in the registry.Unique branches of type 4B1A9646BDF4C4DE are generated, corresponding to the launched portabl. After starting any portabels Turbo Studio, the keys are created HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Sofware \ Spoon \ SandboxCache and under different names.If Photoshop starts and does not work correctly, close the program, remove the sandbox and apply the Spoon bat-file.Plugins can be connected and disconnected at the user's choice.The work of the main program is not tied to plugins and does not depend on them.Checked by the anti-virus utility Dr.Web CureIt! (free anti-virus scanner based on Dr.Web kernel).You are presented with a portable standard build of the most recent version with different plugins, working without installation.

Edit images with exceptional precision, and use new intuitive tools and workflows to create 3D graphics, 2D projects, and movies.

Adobe Photoshop is a complete professional digital imaging solution that contains the most advanced imaging tools and new creative possibilities that can dramatically increase productivity.